SurfShark vs CyberGhost

A side by side comparison of SurfShark or CyberGhost... Which one wins?


According to my professional opinion, Surfshark is better than CyberGhost.

This comparison between SurfShark and CyberGhost includes test data that was undertaken between 3 September and 3 November 2020.

How is SurfShark better than CyberGhost?

Surfshark offers better privacy, downloading and torrenting speeds, streaming experience, and support than CyberGhost VPN.

How is CyberGhost better than SurfShark?

CyberGhost has more servers around the globe than Surfshark.

Privacy & Anonymity

Which one offers better privacy?

Surfshark offers better privacy than the CyberGhost VPN. Surfshark collects only the email address whereas CyberGhost collects name, email address, and physical address when signing up.

Besides, Surfshark does not log any information while CyberGhost collects anonymized connection attempts and successful connection logs, and sends it to MixPanel.

Speed & Performance

Which one is faster?

In our tests, Surfshark’s OpenVPN - UDP was the fastest, around 50% faster than CyberGhost’s IKEv2 protocol.

Which one is better for downloading torrents?

We downloaded torrent files of different sizes using both VPNs to find out which one is faster. Surfshark’s IKEv2 was the fastest, followed by their own OpenVPN - UDP and CyberGhost’s IKEv2 protocols. However, there was only a slight difference in speeds.

Functionality & Application

Which is better for geo-unblocking Netflix?

We tested both VPNs to see whether they would allow us to watch geo-blocked Netflix content in different countries. Surfshark was far better than CyberGhost, unblocking Netflix Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

CyberGhost unblocked only Netflix Japan, Sweden, and the United States.

Which one has better features?

Surfshark allows unlimited simultaneous connections, while CyberGhost allows only seven. Also, Surfshark supports more protocols on different platforms than CyberGhost.

Reputation & Support

Which one offers better support?

Surfshark offers live chat support, while CyberGhost offers only email support.

Which one is more trustworthy?

Both CyberGhost and Surfshark are trustworthy VPNs. They have not been involved in any controversies or scandals as yet.

However, CyberGhost’s parent company, Kape Technologies, was an online advertising company. They had earned a bad reputation by developing adware and malware as browser extensions by their previous name Crossrider. Kape is now an online privacy and security company.

Price & Value

Which offers better value for money?

Surfshark is cheaper than CyberGhost, costing only $11.95 per month compared to CyberGhost’s $12.99.

Surfshark’s one-year plan costs $71.88, and the two-year plan costs $47.76. CyberGhost has 6-month and 18-month plans, costing $47.94 and $49.5, respectively.

Great - 8.73 / 10


Read my full SurfShark Review

Good - 5.9 / 10


Read my full CyberGhost Review