NordVPN vs Windscribe

A side by side comparison of the Nord and Windscribe VPN services. Which one is the better choice for your circumstances?


In our professional opinion, both of these VPNs would make a good choice. They both offer good privacy, encryption, and security. However, if speed is a major consideration, choose NordVPN and if you streaming is more important, choose Windscribe VPN.

This comparison between NordVPN and Windscribe includes test data that was undertaken between 3 September and 4 November 2020.

How is Windscribe better than NordVPN?

NordVPN offers better browsing, downloading, and torrenting speeds, great live chat support, and is cheaper for long-term subscriptions (2 or 3 year deals) than Windscribe.

How is NordVPN better than Windscribe?

Windscribe lets users watch geo-blocked Netflix content in more countries, has a better reputation, offers more protocols, and is cheaper for month to month subscriptions than NordVPN.

Privacy & Anonymity

Which one offers better privacy?

Both VPNs have pretty straight-forward no-logs policies.

NordVPN collects only connectivity information and the last session status, while Windscribe collects the total amount of bytes transferred in a 30 day period, and the timestamp of the last activity on the Windscribe network.

Windscribe stores the time of connection, amount of data transferred, and the OpenVPN/IKEv2 username in the server’s memory for the duration of connection. This data is immediately discarded when the user disconnects from the network.

Speed & Performance

Which one is faster?

We ran multiple tests to see which one is the faster VPN among the two. NordVPN’s Nordlynx protocol (based on WireGuard) was the fastest, followed by their own IKEv2 protocol.

Which one is better for downloading torrents?

In the multiple tests we ran, NordVPN’s Nordlynx protocol offered impressive speeds, which were faster than Windscribe’s IKEv2 and UDP protocols.

Functionality & Application

Which is better for streaming and geo-unblocking Netflix?

We tested both VPNs to see if they would let us watch geo-blocked Netflix content in different countries. Both services are excellent for unblocking geo-restricted Netflix content. They are also able to easily unblock BBC iPlayer content from outside the UK.

Windscribe has designated “Windflix” servers, they unblocked Netflix Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, United Kingdom, and the United States.

NordVPN unblocked Netflix Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, Netherlands, United Kingdom and the United States.

Which one has better features?

Both VPNs offer impressive features.

Depending on the protocol used, NordVPN offers multi-hop connections, ad and malware blockers, and obfuscation techniques.

Windscribe also offers double hop connections, specialist streaming servers, and R.O.B.E.R.T. a tool designed to block nefarious IPs, ad networks, gambling, fake news, and porn sites.

Reputation & Support

Which one offers better support?

NordVPN offers live chat support while Windscribe offers only email support. Windscribe does have a chatbot, but it is not very helpful.

Which one is more trustworthy?

Both NordVPN and Windscribe have had their share of small controversies, but Windscribe has been slightly more transparent than NordVPN.

NordVPN underwent a server breach in 2018 and failed to inform customers about it at the time. The incident was only revealed in late 2019 when a security researcher disclosed it on Twitter. Read NordVPN’s statement about the incident.

Windscribe was using servers provided by Micfo, a company that hijacked IP addresses for spamming. When Micfo’s practices came to light, Windscribe announced that they were distancing themselves from the company, and shut down servers associated with Micfo.

Price & Value

Which offers better value for money?

NordVPN’s monthly and yearly plans cost $11.95 and $49 compared to Windscribe’s $9 and $49, but NordVPN is cheaper when subscribing for two years or more. Nord occassionally offers substantial discounts for 2 and 3 year plans if you pay in advance.

Great - 8.15 / 10


Read my full NordVPN Review

Very Good - 7.92 / 10


Read my full Windscribe Review